Romance Publishers

Check with the Writer BewarePreditors & Editors, and Bewares, Recommendations & Background Check

Visit Manuscript Wish List to see what editors are looking for right now.  Or search for #MSWL in Twitter/X.

5 Prince Publishing

PO BOX 865

Arvada, CO 80001

Bernadette Soehner C.E.O.

Cate Byers - Managing Editor

Grace Delaney-Acquisitions Editor

They only publish ebook and POD.

They are currently seeking Contemporary Romances, both stand alone titles and series of 50,000-65,000 words and must have a HEA ending.  Open all year.  They are also seeking holidays special books for Valentine's Day (by June 15, 2023), Springs Romance (by September 15, 2023) and Christmas Romance (by March 15, 2023).

In addition, they want High Fantasy, Lit RPG, General Fantasy of 50,000 - 80,000 words, Pararnormal Romance of 50, 000 - 85,000 words, Romantic Suspense of 50,000 - 85,000 words, Hitsorical Romance of 50,000 - 95,000 words and Contemporary LGBTQ+ Romance of 50,000 - 65,000 words, open all year.

Send an email to  Include in the subject: <Title of your book> Submission <Genre>.  Do not include attachments or entire manuscript.   Include in the email:

Pen name if different from Legal Name
Name of book
Word count of completed manuscript
Paragraph introducing yourself and your publishing history
Please share with them the social media links you use for your writing platform.
Paragraph describing your book (book blurb that you would find on the back of the book or on a distribution site.)
Synopsis (A novel synopsis includes a brief summary of your story’s main plot, subplots, and the ending. It should also include a few character descriptions and an overview of your major themes. This should be 1-2 pages (included in the body of the email.) THIS MUST BE INCLUDED FOR CONSIDERATION)
First three chapters of your book in the body of the email. DO NOT SEND AS AN ATTACHMENT.


Updated 5/8/2023

Allison & Busby

11 Wardour Mews

+44 (0)20 3950 7834


Handles science fiction, romance, women's, thriller/suspense, mystery, fantasy, historical, young adult.

They only consider submissions via literary agent.


Updated 5/8/2023

Amazon Publishing

Montlake Romance

Senior Editor:  Alison Dasho
Executive Editor:  Maria Gomez
Editor:  Lauren Plude
Editorial Director: Anh Schluep

Amazon Publishing is the full-service publishing arm of Amazon. Their mission is to invent new and better ways to connect authors and readers. We publish in print, e-book, audio, and deluxe formats, as well as Kindle Serials and Kindle Singles. From international best sellers, debut fiction, and books for kids of all ages to heart-pounding romances, high-velocity thrillers, and stunning science fiction, Amazon Publishing brings outstanding books to a global audience.

Amazon Publishing does not accept unsolicited manuscripts, proposals, or other submissions at this time.

Updated 5/8/2023

Amber Quill Press

Prints fiction in trade and e-book format.  Does not pay an advance.

Amber Quill Press, Amber Heat and Amber Allure, regularly welcome new submissions from talented authors in our industry.  Please send your submission to the email address indicated.


Updated 5/8/2023

Aria Publishing

an imprint of Head of Zeus

5-8 Hardwick Street
1st Floor East
London EC1R 4RG
+44 207 253 5557

Aria is a dynamic digital-first fiction imprint from award-winning independent publisher Head Of Zeus. At heart, they’re avid readers committed to publishing exactly the kind of books we love to read — from romance and sagas to crime, thrillers and historical adventures.  They publish writers from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Serbia and China.

They are currently not accepting submissions.


Updated 5/10/2023

Ark House Press

Ark House serves both the Christian and mainstream book markets with contemporary, relevant books that carry life-changing content.  Ark House is happy to accept unsolicited manuscripts from new and established authors in all writing genres. They are one of the only Christian publishing houses in the world to do so.   

Submit a query via their website at

Updated 5/8/2023

Avon Romance
a division of Harper Collins

195 Broadway
New York, NY 10007
(212) 207-7000
fax (212) 207-7759

Erika Tsang, Editorial Director
May Chen, Executive Editor

Lyssa Keusch, Executive Editor
Tessa Woodward, Executive Editor
Nicole Fischer, Senior Editor

Lyssa Keusch loves to develop new voices in popular fiction and looks for books that are smart, convincing, and deliciously entertaining –with distinct and compelling narratives and strong characters that thoroughly engage, characters that we can root for as they make their way to their happy ending, whatever that may be. She has found these voices in thought provoking fiction, emotionally rich romance, and nail-biting psychological suspense.

Tessa Woodward likes women’s fiction with strong characters, both historical and contemporary. She is especially interested in diverse voices and untold historical stories of all types.  MSWL

Nicole Fischer is looking for commercial fiction with fun, fresh, diverse voices, especially inclusive romantic comedies and heartfelt contemporary book club fiction for a young, millennial audience.  MSWL

May Chen likes smart, emotional historicals, sexy contemporary romances and angsty romantic suspense.

They are currently closed to unsolicited submissions.  Query via an agent.


Updated 5/8/2023

B&H Publishing

One LifeWay Plaza
Nashville, TN 37234

B&H stands behind a large ensemble of authors and artists communicating relevant messages for better living, deeper understanding, and a closer walk with God.  They publish contemporary, romance, suspense, thriller and cozy mystery.

They only accept submissions from literary agents.

Updated 5/8/2023

Baker Publishing Group

6030 East Fulton Road
Ada, MI 49301

Publishes Christian fiction under the following imprints:
Bethany House
Baker Books

Baker Books, Bethany House, and Revell do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.  All manuscripts received will be returned to the sender without review.  Materials sent to their editorial staff through a professional literary agent will be considered. 

You may also submit your work to Christian Book Proposals, an online service of the Evangelical Christian Publishers' Association. This organization serves as a liaison between publishers and prospective authors. You may contact them at

Updated 5/8/2023

Barbour Books

Faithfulness to the Bible and love for Jesus Christ are the bedrock values behind every book Barbour’s staff produces. 

Barbour Publishing currently does not accept unsolicited manuscripts from authors. To learn how to submit your manuscripts through a literary agency, please go to


Updated 5/8/2023

Bella Books

PO Box 10543
Tallahassee, Florida 32302

(850) 576-2370 / (800) 729-4992

Linda Hill, Publisher

Bella Books publishes fiction for and about women-loving-women. From romance to mystery and science-fiction, to erotica and thrillers, Bella Books embraces and celebrates the worldwide community of our lesbian, queer, non-binary readers and authors of all ages, cultures and colors.

They publish romance, mystery, action/thriller, science-fiction, fantasy, erotica and general fiction. They welcome your submission, but cannot accept simultaneous submissions.

Your submission package must be e-mailed to See guidelines for details.


Updated 5/10/2023

BelleBooks/Bell Bridge Books

P.O. Box 300921
Memphis, TN  38130
Fax: (901) 344-9068

BelleBooks is closed to new, unsolicited submissions at this time. New, unsolicited submissions received will be deleted upon receipt. They are unable to provide a response of any sort.


Updated 5/8/2023

Black Lyon Publishing

PO Box 567
Baker City, OR 97814


Black Lyon Publishing, LLC is a traditional, royalty-paying publishing house boasting some of the most talented multi-published and new authors around. Titles are available in trade paperback or hardcover, ebook and audio formats. Their books are vailable through most major online retailers, and can be ordered at any bookstore.

Send submissions to
No unrequested manuscripts or other file attachments please.

The body of your email should contain your name, manuscript title, type of novel/nonfiction book, word count, a 1-2 paragraph blurb similar to what you might imagine the back cover of your book to read, and the first three paragraphs of your manuscript. (No formal synopses please. They hate reading them as much as you hate writing them!) 

Looking for general fiction, romantic adventure, contemporary romance, paranormal romance, historical romance, literary fiction,  Word count depends on line, from 45,000 - 90,000. 

Closed to fiction submissions through 2023.


Updated 5/8/2023

Blind Eye Books

1141 Grant St
Bellingham, Washington, 98225
(360) 715-9117

Nicole Kimberling, Editor

Blind Eye Books publishes the best in mystery, fantasy, and romance, with LGBT protagonists. Titles are announced to their readership through a biannual newsletter campaign. Submissions are open for manuscripts of 75,000 - 150,000 words, but a careful review of guidelines is encouraged.

Blind Eye Books will not consider anonymous writings or manuscripts currently under submission to another publisher.

They accept electronic and paper submissions.

To submit via mail, please send a recyclable copy of your whole manuscript, and a short synoposis to the mailing address below.

Unfortunately, they will not be able to return your manuscript, so please save yourself the postage by including only a self-addressed, stamped envelope (business-sized) for our reply. If you’d like to be assured that your manuscript made it to us intact, you may also send a self-addressed postcard that they’ll return to you when they receive your package.

Please send manuscripts to:

Nicole Kimberling, Editor
Blind Eye Books
1141 Grant Street
Bellingham, WA 98225

Electronic submissions should be formatted the same way as paper submissions. They should be addressed to Nicole Kimberling at:


Updated 5/10/2023

Black Opal Books

170 W Ellendale, Ste. 103-144
Dallas, OR 97338

BLACK OPAL BOOKS has been serving both new and established authors since October 2010. They publish in both eBook and paperback formats and are committed to returning more of the profits to our authors. Currently, they handle all genres of romance, as well as women’s fiction, chick lit, historicals, mysteries, thrillers, YA, and limited non-fiction.

Black Opal Books accepts submissions between June first and December thirty-first each year, during which time a form is provided for you to submit your submission package. Currently, they are not accepting any manuscripts in which the story is told in present tense. they are also not accepting any fiction manuscripts over 120,000 words in length without prior authorization.

If submitting your manuscript by email, the Query Letter may be submitted by pasting it into the body of the email or by attaching it to the email. Keep your query letter and synopsis brief and to the point, a one-page for the query letter, and no more than three pages for the synopsis. Just tell us about the story.

See guidelines for details on submissions.


Updated 5/8/2023

Bold Stroke Books

648 S. Cambridge Rd, Bldg A
Johnsonville, NY 12094

Selections Director: Len Barot


Bold Strokes Books offers a diverse collection of LesbianGayBiTransQueer general and genre fiction. BSB genre fiction includes all romance sub-genres as well as action, adventure, crime, mystery/intrigue, and speculative fic (sci-fi/fantasy/horror).

They do not review manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to multiple publishers. They will consider previously published works (including self-published works) with the understanding that they will acquire all rights to the title for future publication (requiring you to remove the title from sale upon contracting). They ask that you provide date of publication, release/return of rights by previous publisher if traditionally published, and life to date sales figures (unit sales per format—not monies earned or royalties). Please query first with publication date and synopsis.

Submit a cover letter and an entire manuscript only using Microsoft Word ® .doc or .rtf with the entire document in one file to  Word counts range from 45,000 - 120,000 depending on the genre.  


Updated 5/8/2023

Boroughs Publishing Group

1629 E Main St
Ventura, CA 93001

(925) 212-2817

This romance publishing house is very strong-minded about sharing its love for romance, a great story, compelling characters, and a happy ending. Boroughs Publishing Group is one of the best romance publishers and prides itself on not limiting authors' imaginations as well as actively seeking submissions from those who share their values and find themselves attracted to characters such as space cowboys, gargoyles, or crusty cops.

New Adult
Urban Fantasy
Young Adult

They are a Romance publishing house with digital and print on demand distribution. They accept non-agented and agented submissions.

Authors must submit their entire completed MS.  Standard word counts are: 40,000 - 60,000 words for novellas; 60,000 - 100,000 words for full-length novels.  They are not republishing works at this time.  Multiple submissions are accepted separately. If you’ve written a series, tell them, but submit the first book only.  Simultaneous submissions are permitted, but indicate such in your Query.

To submit, please use their On-line Submission Tool or submit your package to No snail mail submissions.


Updated 5/10/2023

Brilliance Publishing

Amy Hosford, Publishing

A division of Amazon Publishing.

Authors and agents currently working with Brilliance Publishing or are new to Brilliance Publishing and would like to submit a book for their consideration, please contact them at

Updated 5/8/2023


55 Station Rd
Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1QL
United Kingdom
+44 1256302692

Louise Cullen, Publishing Director

Emily Bedford, Editorial Director

Alicia Pountney, Editorial Assistant

Canelo was founded in 2015 to take the best from the old world of publishing and combine it with the best of the new, while offering more beneficial terms to authors.  Based in London, they have global distribution in both print and digital formats, a budding audio list, and excellent industry relationships with everyone from literary agents to web platforms, chain bookstores to big name reviewers.

They are looking for:
Saga: historical novels about families facing adversity, generational series and women finding love
Action: military thrillers, spy and espionage, conspiracy thrillers
Adventure: historical adventure, mythical retellings, historical fantasy
Escape: romance, romantic comedy, exotic locations
Commercial women's fiction: issues led narratives, moral dilemmas
Crime and psychological thrillers: cosy crime, police procedural, amateur sleuth, murder mystery, hardboiled

Within these genres they are especially looking for submissions from marginalised voices, including but not limited to: BAME people; LGBTQIA+ people; people living in underrepresented cultures, religions, socioeconomic backgrounds, countries; people who are neurodiverse and/or disabled; people living with mental health conditions; and more.

Please note: They do NOT accept YA, children's, poetry, non-fiction, short stories, literary fiction.

Currently closed to submissions.


Updated 5/10/2023

Champagne Books

2373 NE Evergreen Avenue
Albany OR 97321

Cassie Knight, Owner/Publisher
Debbie Davis, Acquisitions Manager & Editor
Dawn Barclay, Editor

Rebecca Goings, Editor

Sara Johnson, Editor

Kat Canfield, Editor

Janelle Mitchie, Editor

L.A. Myles, Editor

Eilene Spear, Editor

Sevannah Storm, Editor

Renee Wildes, Editor


They are primarily a digital publisher; however, books over 60,000 go into print within six (6) months after the digital release.  They are accepting submissions for all types of romance (see guidelines).

Cassie specifically seeks romance across all genres that tend to run sweet to sensual. She also loves horror, space opera, fantasy of pretty much all kinds. Stories with strong female characters who don’t turn into mush when they meet the hero are a must for her in romance.

Debbie is looking for quirky characters turned loose in rich, detailed story worlds. She wants complex villains driven by realistic motives and flawed protagonists to take them down. Throw in a love interest to up the stakes, add more conflict, and keep her turning the pages. Bring on your ghosts, monsters, killers, aliens, and whatever else is lurking in the dark at the bottom of the stairs. MSWL: Thriller, suspense, mystery, crime, horror, fantasy, paranormal, or sci-fi — all with a romantic subplot.

Sara is looking for stories with well-developed characters that make her care and love anything historical, especially if it is related to American History.

Kat prefers romantic suspense novels.

Janelle wants romance, humor, nature, sci-fi, and history.

L.A. likes fantasy and speculative fiction (both YA and adult), but she's also open to historical and general romance where the story flows seamlessly with the passion. She's not the best fit for erotica, BDSM, or horror.

Renee's wish list includes fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal romance, urban fantasy, space opera, high fantasy, time travel (ancient to medieval—esp. underrepresented settings), and twists on fairytales and mythology. Darker, edgy is fine, as long as there’s a HEA. Alpha heroes who are bullies and wimpy heroines need not apply. Renee loves a good beta hero and heroines who give as good as they get. She is not looking for YA, contemporary, or sweet romance at this time.

Finished and polished manuscripts only. Please note we are not encouraging you to hire an editor—we will provide that service. Just make sure your manuscript is as clean and as well-written as you can make it.

Word Count: 40,000 to 110,000

File Formats: .doc, .docx., .rtf

They use Query Manager, an online submission service by Query Tracker, to manage their submissions. Please use this online submission form to send your submission package.  


Updated 5/8/2023

Changeling Press

315 N. Centre St.
Martinsburg, WV 25404

Editor in Chief/Submissions Editor -- Margaret Riley

Editorial Staff:

Angela Knight
Crystal Esau
Jean Cooper
Katriena Knights
Kira Stone
Margaret Riley
Sheri Ross Fogarty
Treva Harte

Changeling Press publishes quality erotic Short Stories (Hot Flashes), Novellas, and Collections in digital format.  

Currently Accepting Submissions For Women’s Action Adventure series and serials in the following genres and themes:

Contemporary: MC Romance, Medical Romance, Military, Veterans, and First Responders, Murder Mystery, New Adult, Organized Crime Romance, Rock Star Romance, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Suspense

Sci-Fi Futuristic & Paranormal: Alien Encounters, Dark Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Cyber-Punk, Magic, Steampunk, Shapeshifters, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters, Vampires, Zombies

Themes: Age Gap (Older Man), LGBTQ, Gay, Bisexual, Multisexual & Pansexual, Multiple Partners, Sex/Gender Shifters & Mpreg, Multicultural & Interracial, Reverse Harem, Single Parent/Pregnancy Romance

They do not accept simultaneous submissions (An author should not send the same book to several publishers at the same time).

They do not accept previously published works as initial submissions. All works must be previously unpublished.

They do accept multiple submissions (An author may send us several books at the same time). All works must be unpublished.

Length: We accept submissions from 20 to 40 thousand words. Serials must be submitted as a completed set. Open-ended series need to include the first three finished books.

Please include a short cover letter including your publishing history, a short blurb and plot summary of no more than 500 words, including length, genres and themes, and series information, as well as your complete manuscripts for the first three books in the series. Attach to your email as an RTF (Rich Text File) or txt (Text) file.

Include a brief promotional plan, including links to your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, and chat sites where you plan to promote, should they accept your work for publication.

They accept submissions via email ONLY at


Updated 5/8/2023

Cleis Press

part of Simon and Schuster

c/o Start-Publishing
221 River St, 9th Fl
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Phone: (212) 431-5455

Richard LaBonte, Publisher/Editor

Shane Allison, Publisher/Editor

Cat Snell, Publishing Associate

Hannah Bennett, Editor

Cleis Press is the largest independent sexuality publishing company in the United States. With a focus on LGBTQ, BDSM, romance, and erotic writing for all sexual preferences, Cleis Press books are consistently changing the way people read and think about sexual behavior, culture, and education.

They accept erotic fiction (erotica/romance). They do not want novella-length works, graphic novels or poetry books.

They no longer accept physical submissions via mail. Digital submissions should be emailed to


Updated 5/10/2023

Cobblestone Press, LLC.

Deanna Lee, Publisher
Leanne Salter, Editor-in-Chief


Cobblestone Press is an electronic, full service publisher of erotic romance and short story erotica, releasing five to eight titles a month in a variety of downloadable formats. It is their mission to provide quality romance books in electronic formats and to raise the standard in digital publishing while also providing a positive publishing environment for authors. They believe publishing a book is a team effort and they're always looking for new authors to join their team.

They're currently seeking manuscripts between 5,000-75,000 words in the the following romance subgenres: 

Action Adventure
African American
Ménage (m/m/f preferred)
New Adult
Paranormal (Vampire, Shifter, Ghosts, etc.)
Romantic Comedy
Time Travel
Urban Fantasy

Please submit full properly-formatted manuscript as an attachment to:  See Guidelines for additional information.  If you are submitting a novel for one of the lines, please put it in the subject of your email and in the cover letter. 


Updated 5/8/2023

Decadent Publishing

PO Box 407
Klawock, Alaska, 99925

Cassandra Parker, Editor

Becca Dale

Cam Cassidy

Dena Celeste

Rita Hestand

Lisa Omstead

Deena Remiel

Decadent Publishing a romance fiction publisher. They are only accepting romance fiction submissions of 15,000 words and up at this time.  They believe LOVE IS LOVE, and welcome all LGBTQIA2S+ stories as well as diversity in race, gender, disability, age, and more.

See their guidelines for details on their various series.

They won't consider queries, proposals or partial manuscripts (unless otherwise noted,) nor do they consider a manuscript that is simultaneously submitted to other publishers.

Submit using the downloaded form from their guidelines.  All submissions should include submission form and manuscript, and be sent to 


Updated 5/10/2023

DiskUs Publishing

C/O Marilyn Nesbitt
P.O. Box 475
Eaton, IN 47338

Email: or

Carol Davis: Senior Editor
Alice Schurch: Sr. Acquisitions Editor
Meridith Bertram: Acquisitions Editor
Elizabeth Delisi: Editor
Jennifer Daily: Editor
Holly Janey: Submissions Editor

At this time DiskUs Publishing is closed for submissions Submissions at the current time are by invitation only.  They will reopen for submissions in the near future.

They publish Romance (all categories) Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery and Suspense, Western, Action and Adventure, Mainstream, Children's and Young adult novels. They may also be interested in poetry if you have enough to fill a book. ABSOLUTELY NO EROTICA

The e-mail must contain a subject head that reads "DISKUS - BOOK SUBMISSION". The e-mail must have as an attachment the COMPLETE and FINISHED copy of your manuscript in .DOC, or .RTF format. E-mail submissions must be sent to


Updated 5/8/2023

Dreamspinner Press

5032 Capital Circle SW
Ste 2 PMB 279
Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886
+1 (800) 970-3759 or +1 (850) 632-4648
Fax +1 (888) 308-3739

Lynn West, Editor-in-Chief
Anne Regan, Executive Editor Harmony Ink Press
Gin Eastwick, Executive Editor
Grace McCullough, Executive Editor
Dawn Johnson, Senior Editor, Harmony Ink Press
Andi Byassee, Senior Editor
Jane Canby, Senior Editor
Desi Chapman, Senior Editor
Liz Fitzgerald, Senior Editor
Tricia Kristufek, Senior Editor
Iona Lake, Senior Editor
Erika Orrick, Senior Editor
Julianne Bentley, Editorial Coordinator
Jaime Clifford, Editorial Assistant
Polly West, Editorial Assistant and Submissions Administrator

Dreamspinner Press is an international full-service publisher of gay romance based in the United States of America. They publish stories from 3,500 words and up in several genre categories and eBook formats, as well as audiobooks and translations in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and Hungarian. Novels of 60,000 words+ are published simultaneously in paperback.

Dreamspinner Press publishes gay male romance stories in all genres. While works do not need to be graphic, they must contain a primary or strong secondary romance plotline and focus on the interaction between two or more male characters. The main characters of the story must end in a gay or gay polyamorous relationship. Other relationships (heterosexual, lesbian, mixed gender polyamory) are acceptable in secondary pairings or as part of the development of a main character.

For full details about their submissions process, please download their Submissions Process Guide.

Mail full story submissions to Please include “Submission: <line name>” in the subject line. They will acknowledge all submissions by email within five to seven days.


Updated 5/10/2023

Entangled Publishing

Liz Pelletier, CEO and Publisher

Jessica Turner, Associate Publisher

Stacy C. Abrams, Executive Editorial Director of Amara Print and Entangled Teen
Heather Howland, Editor

Althea Spiridon, Editor

Erin Molta, Editor
Nina Bruhns, Editor

Lydia Sharp, Editorial and Acquisitions Manager

Robin Haseltine, Editor

Tracy Montoya, Editor

Wendy Chen, Editor

Jen Bouvier, Acquisitions Manager and Editor

Amy Acosta, Editor

Molly Majumder, Editor

Alexander Te Pohe, Editor

Entangled Publishing is a boutique publisher of romantic fiction for adults and teens. 

Heather loves dark, twisty, sexy romantic fiction.

Alethea enjoys a fresh, fun, flirty voice, and anything that can make her laugh and see the lighter side of life. That being said, she’s also drawn to contemporary alpha male stories and lush historical romances.

Erin loves epic Viking romance, stories set in the Scottish Highlands, with the rugged chieftains holding their own against the hardy Scottish lasses hell-bent on stealing their hearts, medieval lords and ladies in the Great Halls of Scotland and England, and of course, Regency, where it’s all about le bon ton and where one’s worth is dictated by one’s title—unless it’s not. Sassy heroines, alpha-male heroes (with tender hearts), and witty banter are a plus because those qualities are timeless.

Nina is especially open to short, hot stories for Scorched, Brazen, Scandalous, and Ignite, but will consider other lines. Mainly, she looks for stellar writing, awesome characters, and a compelling story.

Lydia is actively seeking young adult projects in the following genres: contemporary, fantasy, sci-fi, and fairytale retellings or re-imaginings in any genre. They are selectively considering new adult (contemporary or sci-fi only); adult contemporary romance; adult historical romance; and womens fiction with a strong romantic element.

Tracy is seeking category-length romantic fiction of all kinds—anything from sweet to sexy, as long as it’s character-driven, emotional, and fast-paced. Her personal favorites usually have a strong conflict and an exceptionally strong heroine.

Wendy loves contemporaries and historicals, with strong and sassy heroines, and smart and sexy heroes. Favorite tropes include Relationships of Convenience, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Second Chance at Love, but she’ll fall for anything with a great voice that makes her laugh and cry.

Jen is particularly interested in working with marginalized authors and passionate about diverse books. They are considering submissions across all genres, with a soft spot for speculative YA, funny women's fiction, and queer historical romance.

Amy is interested in diversity-rich YA, NA, and Adult fiction in the genres of Contemporary Romance, Historical (Regency/Victorian), Fantasy, and Science Fiction. One of her main goals is to help LGBTQIA+ and POC voices become mainstream and bring diversity into the publishing world.

Molly is currently considering submissions in adult fantasy, paranormal, and sci-fi, or women’s fiction with a strong comedic element.

Alexander is currently looking for speculative fiction submissions across YA, NA, and adult fiction but will consider manuscripts outside this genre if they have a strong voice and an intriguing story. Alexander has a bias for angsty supernatural YA, queer and trans characters, genre bending Indigenous fiction, and anything Ghibli-esk.

Submissions guidelines vary by line.  See their guidelines page for details  Special calls for submissions can be found on their blog.  Use the online forms contained in their guidelines for each line to submit to that line.


Updated 5/8/2023

eXtasy Books

P.O. Box 2146
Garibaldi Highlands, BC  V0N 1T0

Extasy Books was founded in 2002 by Tina Haveman, and is one of the oldest royalty paying publishers of e-books.   They publish a variety of genres under several lines - Romance, Mainstream, Young Adult, and LGBTQ+.

They are looking for well developed, romantic and non-romantic plots, exciting worlds, well rounded characters who are multi-dimensional, and descriptive imagery that envelops the reader. Manuscripts should be critiqued and polished prior to submitting.

They accept previously published works as long as your rights have been reverted and the book is no longer vailable for sale.

They accept electronic submissions only. All submissions must be directed to:  with SUBMISSION in the subject line.


Updated 5/8/2023

Flux Young Adult
imprint of North Star Editions

North Star Editions, Inc.
2297 Waters Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Flux is an imprint of North Star Editions, Inc., a privately owned publishing company dedicated to guiding readers toward a lifetime love of reading. NSE offers fiction and nonfiction for children and young adults that inspires, informs, and entertains.

NSE purchased the young adult imprint Flux from Llewellyn Worldwide effective July 1, 2016. NSE also owns Jolly Fish Press, an imprint containing young adult, middle-grade fiction, and adult fiction.

NSE also distributes juvenile nonfiction titles in the Focus Readers imprint and sports titles in the Press Box Books imprint.

Submit via email to  See guidelines for details.


Updated 5/8/2023

Hachette Book Group USA

237 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(212) 364-1200
fax (212) 364-0928

Leah Hultenschmidt, Publisher, Forever

Amy Pierpoint, Editor-in-Chief, Forever

Junessa Viloria, Senior Editor, Forever

Madeline Colavita, Editor, Forever

Sam Brody, Assistant Editor, Forever

Sabrina Flemming, Assistant Editor, Forever

Rachael Kelly, Assistant Editor

Grace Fischetti, Editorial Assistant

Grand Central Publishing

Forever, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing, publishes a wide array of inclusive commercial fiction and romance perfect for your next book-club pick–from uplifting contemporary stories to captivating historical fiction and delightful romantic comedies, to sweeping historical romance and small-town love stories (including western romance and Amish romance).

They’re looking for stories that focus on relationships: stories about falling in love, about families and friendships, parents and children, all with an emphasis on the characters’ journey and the fulfillment they find throughout the course of the novel. We’re committed to publishing inclusive and diverse novels that reflect authentic experiences.

Forever books are published in various formats: hardcover, trade paperback, mass market, ebook, and audio.  Novels should be between 50,000-100,000 words. Novellas should be 25,000-50,000 words.

They are not able to consider unsolicited manuscript submissions and unsolicited queries.  PLease submit via an agent.

Forever Yours is the digital-first sister of the Forever romance imprint, which publishes ebook and print-on-demand editions for novels betweem 50,000 and 100,000 words. Their editors accept both agented and unagented material for submission. 

Forever Yours is interested in all styles of romance, particularly contemporary, diverse reads, romantic suspense, cowboys, historicals, and paranormal.  They’re not looking for any YA, fantasy, mystery, general fiction, or nonfiction.  Email following guidelines.


Updated 5/8/2023

Guideposts Books

16 East 34th Street
12th Floor
New York, NY 10016

Linda Cunningham
Beth Adams
Lindsay Guzzardo

Guideposts publishes true stories about people who have attained a goal, surmounted an obstacle or learned a helpful lesson through their faith. A typical story is a first-person narrative with a spiritual point that the reader can apply to his or her own life. The story may be your own or someone else’s. Word count of 1500 words.   Submit via the form on their website.


Updated 5/8/2023


From Publisher's Lunch 1/17/2025

Harlequin Trade Restructures Into Three Imprints, Dropping Two

"Harlequin has restructured its trade division, moving from five imprints to three, "to combine strengths, best meet the needs of the market, and optimize growth." The publisher will keep all staff and publish the same number of titles among Mira Books, Park Row Books, and Hanover Square Press. Mira will absorb Canary Street Press (a relaunched version of the flagship HQN romance imprint) and Graydon House will be phased out by the end of the year, with any titles after 2025 published by the remaining imprints.

According to a release, "Mira Books will return to its roots as a key publisher of romance and romantic fiction and will absorb its younger sibling, Canary Street Press, for an even larger presence in the booming romance space. Park Row Books will take a bigger position in the upmarket book club and narrative nonfiction spaces." Hanover Square Press is focused on nonfiction and "high-concept fiction" but now "adding horror and fantasy to their list."

Senior editor April Osborn, editor Dina Davis, and editorial assistant Evan Yeong will move from Mira to Hanover Square, joining editorial director Peter Joseph, executive editor John Glynn, associate editor Grace Towery, and editorial assistant Eden Railsback.

Senior editor Meredith Clark and associate editor Leah Mol will move from Mira to Park Row, joining editorial director Erika Imranyi, executive editor Annie Chagnot, and editorial assistant SarahElizabeth Lee.

The Mira team will now comprise editorial director Susan Swinwood, executive editor Michele Bidelspach, senior editor Melanie Fried, senior editor Cat Clyne, associate editor Sara Rodgers, assistant editor Lynn Raposo, and editorial assistant Marina Green"

United States
195 Broadway, 24th floor
New York, NY 10007
United States
Tel: (212) 207-7000


Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower
22 Adelaide Street West, 41st Floor
Toronto, ON M5H 4E3
Tel: 1-888-432-4879


ETON HOUSE, 18-24 PARADISE ROAD, Richmond, Greater London England, TW9 1SR
Phone:  020 8288 2888
Fax:  020 8288 2899

Harlequin is always on the lookout for talented writers—from established authors to those just starting their writing careers. They publish a wide range of stories and welcome writers from all backgrounds, cultures and communities to submit to the romance line best suited to their unique voice and story.

They want all readers to see themselves reflected in the books we publish and we’re committed to publishing diverse and inclusive voices and stories. As such, they are actively looking for more story submissions from authors in underrepresented communities and invite you to add #RomanceIncludesYou with your manuscript title when you submit.

Get to know their various imprints and editorial lines to find out where you might fit into Harlequin's extensive publishing program.

Harlequin Series (sometimes known as "Category Romance") and Carina Press accept unagented submissions from authors. Please submit to only one series at a time, with only one submission at a time. They accept submissions in English only.  Be sure to check specific guidelines for the line you're targeting.

Please note that as per current editorial policy they ask that you do not submit more than one manuscript at a time for their consideration. Please be patient and wait for feedback before submitting your next project.   They do not accept submissions by email. Any unsolicited email submissions will be deleted.

Check Write for Harlequin for the latest updates.


Carina Press - 50,000 - 125,000 words

Kerri Buckley, Senior Editor
Stephanie Doig, Editor

Carina Press is Harlequin’s digital-first adult fiction imprint; all our titles publish first in digital, with select releases in audio and print. Since its inception as the first digital imprint within a traditional publishing house, Carina Press has been an industry leader, publishing a broad range of romance and mystery.

They acquire Contemporary romance, Erotic romance, Paranormal & urban fantasy romance, Science fiction & fantasy romance, Romantic suspense, Historical romance and Mystery (with or without romance/romantic elements).

Carina Press accepts both agented and unagented submissions.  Submit via their Submittable portal:


NEW sexy, short contemporary line - 65,000 - 70,000 words

Editors:  Stacy Boyd, Senior Editor
Errin Toma, Assistant Editor

John Jacobson, Associate Editor

Editorial Office: New York, NY

Sexy romances that take you through the joys and challenges of creating a happily-ever-after today.

Guidelines and Submission

Graydon House Books

Susan Swinwood, Editorial DIrector

Melanie Fried, Senior Editor

Sara Rodgers, Associate Editor

Marina Green, Editorial Assistant

Graydon House Books is a select hardcover and trade paperback imprint dedicated to publishing book club-worthy women’s fiction with strong commercial appeal. Multifaceted, provocative and original, Graydon House novels are page-turners that range in tone from lighthearted humor to emotional tearjerker, edgy suspense to historical drama.

Graydon House is a boutique destination for both promising new talent and bestselling authors who are looking for an accomplished and attentive publisher who can nurture their talent and build their readership.  Graydon House accepts only agented submissions.

Harlequin Dare - 50,000 words

No longer accepting new books.

Harlequin Desire - 50,000 words

Update:   They are no longer accepting submissions for Harlequin Desire as of Dec. 13, 2022.

Harlequin Heartwarming - 70,000 words

Kathleen Scheibling, Executive Editor
Kathryn Lye, Editor
Adrienne Macintosh, Editor
Johanna Raisanen, Editor
Dana Grimaldi, Editor

Nataline Castano, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: Toronto, Canada

Wholesome, fun and feel-good contemporary romances set in close-knit communities where the reader can escape to a world of love and belonging. Fall in love with small towns, friendly neighborhoods and romances that always end with happily ever after!

Heartwarming romances feature a low sensuality level. Hugs and kisses only. Still, lots of romantic attraction and tension is required!

No explicit or behind-closed-doors sex, nudity, pre-marital sex, profanity or graphic depictions of violence.

No explicit religious or Christian content. No paranormal. No heavy suspense.

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Historical - approx 70,000 - 75,000 words

Bryony Green, Executive Editor
Carly Byrne, Senior Editor

Hannah Rossiter, Editor
Awo Ibrahim, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: London, UK

Richly textured, emotionally intense novels set across a wide range of historical periods - ancient civilizations up to the 1950's.   They’re always looking for new stories. In particular, they want to see submissions from underrepresented romance authors, exciting new Medieval voices, gripping Viking romances and a fresh point of view on the traditional Regency!

They have ceased publication of Westerns as of January 2019.

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Intrigue - 55,000 words

Denise Zaza, Senior Editor
Allison Lyons, Editor
Connolly Bottum, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: NY, NY

Harlequin Intrigue books are for fans of novels by Sandra Brown, James Patterson and Iris Johansen. They are high-stakes thrillers and procedurals where determined characters go through a spectrum of tensions as they work to solve a crime. 

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Medical Romance - approx 50,000

Byrony Green, Executive Edito

Sheila Hodgson, Senior Editor
Laurie Johnson, Editor

Jenny Macey, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: London, UK 

May 2023 is medical submission month.  Their submissions will open on Monday 1 May 2023. Submit your contemporary Medical Romance submission by Friday 12 May 2023 and get a response, including editorial feedback, by Wednesday 31 May 2023!

Contemporary romance novels set in the medical world.  A strong focus on the central romantic relationship. Relatable heroines and heroes in a medical setting – pulse-racing medical drama that throws them together is crucial. Dedicated top-notch docs, hot-shot surgeons, fearless first responders and equally matched, warm hearted, intelligent and real heroines, who reach all levels and areas of medical life. Engaging medical settings and situations around the world from cozy GP practices and maternity to intense ER and first response, all with a strong sense of community. 

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Presents (M&B Modern) - 50,000 words

Byrony Green, Executive Editor

Flo Nicoll, Senior Editor

Charlotte Ellis, Editor
Soraya Bouazzaoui, Editor
Nicola Caws, Editor
Emma Marnell, Assistant Editor

Bobbie-Lee Wright, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: London, UK

These stories are all about passion and escape—glamorous international settings, captivating women and the seductive, tempting men who want them.

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Romance (M&B True Love) – 50,000 words

Sheila Hodgson, Senior Editor
Megan Haslam, Editor
Jenny Macey, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: London, UK

Harlequin Romance stories are all about real, relatable women and strong, deeply desirable men experiencing the intensity, anticipation and sheer rush of falling in love.   A Harlequin Romance novel is all about the heroine, she is key in this series. Our heroines need to be real and relatable, and her story should make the reader wish they were in the heroine’s shoes!

NEW Level of Sensuality: High sensual tension, matched with high emotional connection. While these stories do not have graphic sexual detail, we welcome scenes that go beyond the bedroom door to explore the emotional fulfillment that comes with sexual intimacy.

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Romantic Suspense - 70,000 words

Patience Bloom, Senior Editor

Emma Cole, Associate Editor
Megan Broderick, Assistant Editor

Katherine Rushby, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: NY, NY

These novels are romance-focused stories with a suspense element. Powerful romances are at the heart of each story, and the additional elements of excitement, adventure and suspense play out between complex characters.

Paranormal "adjacent" elements are welcome, so long as they don't push the story into Paranormal or Fantasy. They're interested in stories about psychics, ghost hunting, or Gothic suspense.

Guidelines and Submission

Harlequin Special Edition -70,000 -  75,000 words

Gail Chasan, Senior Editor
Susan Litman, Editor
Megan Broderick, Assistant Editor

Editorial Office: NY, NY

Editors continue to acquire new voices for Harlequin Special Edition; however, they are not reviewing submissions from Submittable currently.

Harlequin Special Edition features contemporary, real-life characters and situations—relatable men and women with friends, family and careers, as they experience the journey to true love.

Guidelines and Submission

HQN Books

As the home to many of the genre’s best-known authors and exciting up-and-comers, HQN Books is synonymous with romance. Whether historical or contemporary, sweet or sexy, HQN offers something for every reader across all romance sub-genres and all formats.  They only accepted agented submissions.

Inkyard Press

 Inkyard Press (formerly Harlequin TEEN) publishes books for young adult readers across a variety of genres—from contemporary and mainstream to genre fiction, including horror, fantasy, mystery, romance and thriller.   They only accepted agented submissions.

Love Inspired - 55,000 words

Melissa Endlich, Senior Editor
Shana Asaro, Editor

Katie Gowrie, Associate Editor
Caroline TImmings, Assistant Editor

Besarta Sinanovic, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: NY, NY

Contemporary inspirational romances that feature Christian characters facing the many challenges of life and love in today's world.  Strong contemporary romances with a Christian worldview and wholesome values.  Relationships that emphasize emotional intimacy rather than sexual desire.  Each story should focus on an emotional and satisfying romance, with a sustained conflict.

Guidelines and Submission

Love Inspired Suspense - 55,000 words

Tina James, Executive Editor

Shana Asaro, Editor
Katie Gowrie, Associate Editor

Caroline TImmings, Assistant Editor

Besarta Sinanovic, Editorial Assistant

Editorial Office: NY, NY

Edge-of-the-seat, contemporary romantic suspense tales of intrigue and romance featuring Christian characters facing challenges to their faith…and to their lives.  Hero and heroine should meet early in book, preferably by end of chapter one. And the suspense element should be introduced in chapter one.  Popular themes in LIS include protector heroes, women in jeopardy, military, law enforcement, cowboys, small town secrets, and Amish.

Guidelines and Submission

MIRA Books

MIRA Books publishes binge-worthy reads and bestsellers from rising stars and established authors. Its extensive list includes multilayered relationship and family dramas, voice-y contemporary reads, thrillers and psychological suspense, sweeping historicals, speculative novels and more.   Agented submissions only.

Updated 5/10/2023

Harvest House

PO Box 41210
Eugene, OR 97404-0322

Harvest House publishes Christian books.  Their motto is "Books You Can Believe In."

Harvest House no longer accepts or reviews any unsolicited queries, proposals, or manuscripts.  Please visit Christian Book Proposals to submit to Christian publishing houses.


Updated 5/8/2023

Hodder & Stoughton
a division of Hachette Books UK

Carmelite House
50 Victoria Embankment
London EC4Y 0DZ

Carolyn Mays, Publishing Director
Kate Howard, Editorial Director
Suzie Dooré, Editorial Director
Anne Perry, Editor
Laura Macdougall, Assistant Editor
Harriet Bourton, Assistant Editor

Hodder & Stoughton is a major publisher within Hachette UK, one of the UK’s biggest publishing groups. They publish a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles and are renowned for passion, quality and delivering bestselling books in many different formats.

They will only accept submissions from agents.


Updated 5/8/2023

Howard Books
a division of Simon & Schuster

Now a division of Simon & Schuster.  Publishes Christian fiction.  They believe in publishing men and women whose lives and messages are consistent with Christian principles; and whose skill reflects a dedication to being well-read, educated on the subject at hand, experienced in word-crafting, and passionate about the written word.

No unsolicited submissions.  Agented submissions only.


Updated 5/8/2023

ImaJinn Books
An Imprint of BelleBooks

P.O. Box 300921
Memphis, TN 38130

ImaJinn Books accepts the entire spectrum of romance: contemporary romance, erotica, fantasy romance, holiday romance, new adult, paranormal romance, sci-fi romance, urban fantasy romance.  They are interested in full length novels 50,000-90,000 words.

They are closed to new, unsolicited submissions at this time.


Updated 5/10/2023

Inkspell Publishing

Inkspell Publishing is an ebook- first romance publisher. Inkspell only considers edited and quality manuscripts. Please make sure you check out their submission requirements before submitting.

They are looking for manuscripts that are 30,000- 75,000 words but will consider others if they are compelling enough.

They publish novels and novellas in contemporary and paranormal romance.  Send all submissions to:


Updated 5/10/2023

Interlude Press

315 W Gorham St
Madison, Wisconsin, 53703

Interlude Press is an award-winning boutique publisher of LGBTQ general and romantic fiction. They are seeking well-crafted original novels featuring diverse casts with lead characters from across the LGBTQ+ spectrum, and welcome and encourage manuscripts written by authors from all backgrounds.

They embrace all genres, including but not limited to contemporary, historical, romantic comedy, literary, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and suspense. Submissions may be written for either adult or young adult readers.

They do not accept simultaneous submissions.  Submitted manuscripts must be 60,000 to 90,000 words to be considered.   Limit yourself to one active submission at a time. Email your submission to


Updated 5/10/2023

Jolly Fish Press
imprint of North Star Editions

North Star Editions, Inc.
2297 Waters Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Phone: 888-417-0195
Fax: 952-582-1000

Publishes only middle-grade and YA books in e-book and trade size. 

Jolly Fish Press is currently closed to submissions.   They are looking for Work For Hire authors.


Updated 5/10/2023

Kensington Publishing Corp.



John Scognamiglio, Editor-in-Chief of Kensington
Michaela Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief of Citadel, Executive Editor of Kensington
Alicia Condon, Editorial Director of Brava
Selena James, Executive Editor , Dafina Books
Esi Sogah, Senior Editor
Melissa Demerest, Editor
Mercedes Fernandez, Assistant Editor, Dafina Books
Peter Senftleben, Assistant Editor
Martin Biro, Assistant Editor

Submit to one editor only. For fiction, please send a cover letter, first three chapters, and synopsis (no more than five pages). Note that they do not publish science fiction, fantasy, poetery or plays.

You may QUERY ONLY by e-mail. Do not attach manuscripts or proposals to e-mail queries. An editor will respond if he or she is interested in seeing your material based on your query.

John Scognamiglio, Editor-in-Chief of Kensington: Fiction (historical romance, contemporary romance, women’s contemporary fiction, Amish romances and inspirational romances, historical fiction, gay fiction, cozy and historical mysteries, dark suspense and thrillers). Word count for mysteries is 75,000-100,000 words.

Michaela Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief of Citadel, Executive Editor of Kensington: Nonfiction (including popular culture, narrative nonfiction, true crime, biography, law enforcement, pop science).

Alicia Condon, Editorial Director: Fiction (80,000-word contemporary romance—either sexy or sweet, Amish and inspirational romance, women’s fiction, romantic suspense, historical romance with unusual settings, cozy mystery).

Wendy McCurdy, Editorial Director: Now especially looking for historical fiction and nonfiction, with the nonfiction focused on military/wartime history. Also open to mainstream women’s fiction including southern fiction, beach reads, sagas, commercial literary fiction, romance, romcom fare, etc. Please include the first chapter as an attachment.

James Abbate, Assistant Editor: Historical fiction, nonfiction (biography, memoir, pop science, music, culture, true crime), dark suspense, psychological suspense, thrillers, with a particular emphasis on WWII fiction and nonfiction.

Norma Perez-Hernandez, Assistant Editor: Fiction (historical romance, contemporary romance, LGBT romance, traditional and cozy mysteries, suspense, and thrillers).

Elizabeth May, Assistant Editor: Fiction (Romance, Mysteries, Women’s Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Sci Fi/Fantasy)

Lyrical Press


Kensington is actively looking for submissions for Lyrical Press, their e-book line!

They are looking for fresh stories in a variety of categories including all romance genres (specifically suspense and historicals with unique settings), compelling psychological suspense fiction, thrillers, women’s fiction, new adult, and cozy mysteries.


SUBMIT TO ONE EDITOR ONLY. From the list of each editor’s areas of interest below, determine which one would be best suited for your submission, or the most interested in the type of book you are proposing. Address the submission to that editor’s attention.

John Scognamiglio, Editor-in-Chief of Kensington: Fiction (historical romance, contemporary romance, women’s contemporary fiction, Amish romances and inspirational romances, historical fiction, gay fiction, cozy and historical mysteries, dark suspense and thrillers). Word count for mysteries is 75,000-100,000 words.

Michaela Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief of Citadel, Executive Editor of Kensington: Nonfiction (including popular culture, narrative nonfiction, true crime, biography, law enforcement, pop science).

Alicia Condon, Editorial Director: Fiction (80,000-word contemporary romance—either sexy or sweet, Amish and inspirational romance, women’s fiction, romantic suspense, historical romance with unusual settings, cozy mystery).

Wendy McCurdy, Editorial Director: Now especially looking for historical fiction and nonfiction, with the nonfiction focused on military/wartime history. Also open to mainstream women’s fiction including southern fiction, beach reads, sagas, commercial literary fiction, romance, romcom fare, etc. Please include the first chapter as an attachment.

James Abbate, Assistant Editor: Historical fiction, nonfiction (biography, memoir, pop science, music, culture, true crime), dark suspense, psychological suspense, thrillers, with a particular emphasis on WWII fiction and nonfiction.

Norma Perez-Hernandez, Assistant Editor: Fiction (historical romance, contemporary romance, LGBT romance, traditional and cozy mysteries, suspense, and thrillers).

Elizabeth May, Assistant Editor: Fiction (Romance, Mysteries, Women’s Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Sci Fi/Fantasy)

Updated 5/10/2023

Kregel Publications

P.O. Box 2607
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2607
Fax 616-451-9330

Kregel Publications publishes Christian books.  It does not accept unsolicited material for review. They do, however, review summaries from The Writers' Edge and Christian Manuscript Submissions regularly. These manuscript-screening services provide an opportunity for you to share your proposal with over 40 Christian publishers simultaneously for a moderate fee. They also accept query letters from professional literary agents.


Updated 5/10/2023

Literary Wanderlust

PO Box 101201
Denver, Colorado, 80250

Susan Brooks, Editor-in-Chief

Jennica Dotson, Editor

Julie Paris, Editor

Literary Wanderlust is a coalition of editors and publishing professionals working together to make their authors successful, and their goal is to grow slowly but steadily by publishing books we love.

They are a royalty paying, traditional publisher of print and digital books. They publish well-written novels in various genres. Check their submissions page to see what they are currently acquiring.

They never charge reading fees, and they never charge our authors for any of our services.

They are not a hybrid publisher.

They accept unsolicited manuscripts. They do not accept previously-published manuscripts. They process submissions usually within 3-4 months. Word counts should be approximately 65,000 to 100,000 words for full-length fiction novels.

They are currently accepting in the following genres:

· Adult Romance (all sub-genres and heat levels)

· Women's Fiction

· Historical and Western Fiction

· Adult Paranormal and Urban Fantasy

· Adult Crime, Mystery, and Thriller Fiction

· Adult LGBTQ

· YA Science Fiction and Fantasy

They do not accept submissions via snail mail or email. Submit your query letter, a full synopsis (which includes spoilers and the ending), and 1st three chapters of your novel to


Updated 5/10/2023

Melange Books

2338 Jansen Ave
White Bear Lake, Minnesota, 55110

Nancy Schumacher, Publisher

Tom Dehedl, Acquisitions Senior Editor

Jane Carver, Editor

Melange is a royalty-paying company publishing in e-books (digital formats) and print books (Print on Demand NOT mass-market print runs.) Novels, 30,000 words and above are available in both digital and print formats. Stories less than 30,000 words are available in digital format only.  They acquire for all of the following novel and novella genres:

Romance, sweet, sensual and erotic, westerns, science fiction, horror, contemporary, chic-lit, men's fiction, women's general fiction, action-adventure, speculative, drama, gay, lesbian, urban fantasy, paranormal, cross-genres, urban fantasy, young adult, mainstream fiction, and non-fiction. 

They are currently closed to submissions.


Updated 5/10/2023

a division of Amazon Publishing

Maria Gomez, Executive Editor

Allison Dasho, Senior Editor

Lauren Plude, Editor

Anh Schluep, Editorial Director

Whether through sexy romantic comedies, romantic suspense, sweeping historicals, or provocative paranormals, Montlake delivers happily ever afters for all reading tastes.

Amazon Publishing does not accept unsolicited original manuscripts.


Updated 5/10/2023

New Concepts Publishing

5265 Humphreys Rd.
Lake Park, GA 31636
(229) 257-0367
Fax (229) 219-1097

They require that authors query with their full manuscript, the synopsis, and a brief introductory letter.  Their audience is primarily readers looking for romantic fiction ( sub genres: Science Fiction/ Futuristic; Fantasy, Historical; Contemporary; Paranormal)  and those have the best chance of being accepted and also the best chance of sales.   They DO NOT publish gay/lesbian fiction; non-fiction/self help.  They accept any length of fiction for publication from short story to epic novels, but they prefer authors keep their word count below 150K and above 10K at the short story. 

Manuscripts should be submitted to


Updated 5/10/2023

Odyssey Books

PO Box 1152
Fyshwick, ACT 2609

Michelle Lovi, Publisher
Cerid Jones, Publishing Assistant

Odyssey Books is committed to offering its readers engaging and beautifully written books that can stretch their readers' imaginations and inspire them to take on adventurous voyages and spiritual quests.

They have three imprints:
– Odyssey Books: speculative fiction (50,000-120,000 words)
– Publisher Obscura: novelty and illustrated books for adults
– Ensorcellia: postcard-sized novellas (15,000-25,000 words) and poetry chapbooks (minimum 5,000 words)

They are changing the direction of their primary imprint to focus on speculative fiction genres only--fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc. It’s what they best enjoy reading and promoting, and better reflects our ethos that books are an adventure. They will also continue to publish poetry, spec-fic novellas, and illustrated books for adults under their Publisher Obscura and Ensorcellia imprints.

They do not accept paper or email submissions.

SUBMISSIONS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED – please subscribe to their newsletter to be informed of when their submissions period re-opens.


Updated 5/10/2023

One More Chapter Books

a division of Harper Collins

Westerhill Road

Bishopsbriggs, Glasgow G64 2QT


Kimberly Young, Executive Publisher
Charlotte Ledger, Publisher

Jennie Rothwell, Senior Commissioning Editor

Ajebowale Roberts, Editor
Arsalan Isa, Editorial Assistant

One More Chapter is your number one stop for page-turning books. They’re all about the books you can’t put down, the books you carry around with you and the books you return to after a long day. They publish all unputdownable fiction from swoonworthy romance, heartstopping crime to gripping historical fiction. 

They accept the following fiction genres:

Crime & Thriller
Romance (spicy, romantic suspense, romantic comedy, erotica)
YA/Crossover/Adult Fantasy

They are currently open to submissions.  Submit via their submittable portal.


Updated 5/10/2023

Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers

Sheraton House - Castle Park
Cambridge - CB3 OAX - England
+44 (0)1223 370012
Fax: +44 (0)1223 370040)

They deliver a wide variety of genres including: fiction, non-fiction, children’s, educational and poetry.  They welcome submissions from both new and previously published authors.  

You can send your work directly to their editorial team using the online form at This is their preferred method and will ensure the quickest response.

Or you can send a synopsis and complete manuscript via email to:


Updated 5/10/2023

Penguin Random House Books

1745 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

(212) 782-9000

Penguin Random House does not accept unsolicited submissions, proposals, manuscripts, illustrations, artwork, or submission queries at this time.  They recommend that you work with an established literary agent.  This includes submission of work previously published elsewhere.

They have a new romance imprint called Sensation.

Loveswept and Flirt are no longer valid imprints.


Claire Zion, Editor-in-Chief

Tom Colgan, Editorial Director

Cindy Hwang, VP, Editorial Director

Amanda Bergeron, Executive Editor

Kerry Donovan, Executive Editor

Kate Seaver, Executive Editor

Esi Sogah, Executive Editor
Anne Sowards, Executive Editor
Sarah Blumenstock, Senior Editor
Kristine Swartz, Senior Editor
Angela Kim, Associate Editor
Sareer Khader, Assistant Editor
Liz Sellers, Assistant Editor

Ballantine Books

Includes imprints of Bantam, Dell and Delacorte


Their current fiction list has a particular focus on suspense titles, publishing some of the most talented names in mystery and thriller.


Kara Cesare, VP, Editorial Director
Hilary Teeman, Executive Editor
Shauna Summers, Executive Editor
Erin Kane, Publishing Manager
Wendy Wong, Associate Editor
Caroline Weishuhn, Assistant Editor
Sydney Collins, Assistant Editor
Mae Donicia Martinez, Editorial Assistant

The Delacorte/Dell lists focus on general fiction, love stories, and romantic comedy and are committed to nurturing voices that will allow us to continue our century-long tradition of sharing beloved books with the world.


Updated 5/10/2023

Prairie Rose Publications

9320 Rosewood Dr
Prairie Village, Kansas, 66207

This romance publisher has it all: both action-packed and soft and sensual novels featuring strong female protagonists ready to tame the most heroic hearts. This publishing house focuses on medieval romance, western historical romance, and the Regency period. Submissions are currently closed, but keep an eye out for when they reopen.


Updated 5/10/2023



Romance.Ink (formerly Blushing Books) publishes many books with a good deal of erotic content, but they also publish non-sexual stories containing discipline and/or spanking scenes. Books submitted to them should typically follow the basic guidelines of the romance genre.  

They now favor--strongly--submissions from new authors who are willing to write in series, and who are able to submit at least four books a year.


New Author Submissions

Established Author Submissions

Updated 5/8/2023

Sapere Books

11 Bank Chambers
London, England N8 7NN

Amy Durant, Editorial Director

Natalie Linh Boldersto, Assistant Editor
Matilda Richards, Editorial Assistant
Helen Jennings, Editorial Assistant

Sapere Books are looking to publish the very best stories from exciting new voices and established authors, forging connections between their readers and their authors. With a fair contract for authors and a lot of emphasis placed on excellent editorial support and cutting-edge marketing campaigns, they believe they are a fantastic digital publishing option for authors and readers alike.

They accept both new submissions and backlist or out-of-print titles in the following genres:

- Crime Fiction, Mystery and Thrillers
- Historical Fiction (including Sagas, Mysteries, Thrillers and Romance)
- Action and Adventure (Military, Aviation and Naval Fiction)
- History and Historical Biography

They do not publish publish any Short Stories/Novellas, Children’s Fiction, YA, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Erotic Fiction or Poetry.

They are currently closed to submissions.

Please submit to their Editorial Director, Amy Durant on Include a short description of your books, writing career and, if possible, a link to or list of your books.


Updated 5/10/2023

Severn House

Eardley House
4 Uxbridge Street
London W8 7SY

Tel: +44 0207 467 0840

Severn House is a proud publisher of commercial and genre fiction: crime and mystery, thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, sagas, and more! These are the books they love to hear about and are passionate about publishing.

They don’t publish nonfiction, graphic novels, children’s books, poetry, or ‘literary’ (i.e. non-genre) fiction.

Severn House does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. All submissions should come via a literary agent to

They do also accept submissions directly from established authors, but here’s a few things to know first:

• They don’t currently publish debut authors (sorry!)

• They’re mainly looking for previously published authors, with established sales records in the US and UK, particularly in the library market

They encourage submissions from a diverse array of voices, including LGBTQ+ authors, authors of colour, authors with disabilities, neurodivergent authors, authors from underrepresented cultures/socioeconomic backgrounds, and authors from any other marginalised community.



Updated 5/10/2023

Simon & Schuster

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY, 10020-1513


The Gallery Group publishes a wide array of commercial and literary fiction to include romance and nonfiction under specialized imprints. 

Scout Press is a new literary imprint under Gallery Books dedicated to being on the lookout for modern storytellers. A scout is always on the front line — the first to see what is on the horizon; what is coming next.

Pocket Books  is an imprint that publishes romance.


Atria Books fosters an open environment where ideas flourish, bestselling authors soar to new heights, and tomorrow’s finest voices are discovered and nurtured. Since its launch in 2002, Atria has published hundreds of bestsellers including commercial and literary fiction, mysteries and thrillers, narrative nonfiction, politics and popular culture, science, personal development, and spirituality. Atria is a place where great books come to light.

Submit via a literary agent for all lines.

Updated 5/10/2023

Soul Mate Publishing

3210 Sherwood Dr
Walworth, NY 14568

(315) 986-4571

Soul Mate Publishing welcomes you to romance, where two become one. They offer high-quality romantic fiction for readers around the world. Their novels, written by only the finest authors, are available both electronically and in paperback.

Soul Mate Publishing is current only accepting submissions from existing Soul Mate authors or when an author is directly requested by an editor.


Updated 5/10/2023

Sourcebooks Inc.

Deb Werksman, Editorial Director
Mary Altman, Senior Editor

Christa Desir, Editor

Sourcebooks publishes romance, young adult/childrens and nonfiction.

Sourcebooks Casablanca has since become one of the fastest growing romance fiction publishers. They publish all genres of romance, including paranormal, historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense.

They are actively acquiring agented and unagented Romance fiction for our Casablanca imprint including Own Voices, marginalized voices, inclusive and diverse romances. They look for strong writers of all ethnicities, races, sexualities, gender identities, abilities and ages, who are excited about marketing their books and building their community of readers, and whose stories have something fresh to offer in the genre of Romance.  85,000 - 100,000 words

Queries should be emailed in a WORD file to  Only agents should contact editors directly.


Updated 5/10/2023

Spencer Hill Press

27 West 20th St, Ste 1102,
New York, NY 10011

Deborah Britt-Hay
Kate Kaynak
Trisha Wooldridge

Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house specializing in YA and Adult Contemporary Romance literature.  Spencer Hill Contemporary specifically caters to their reader’s demand for adult romance. Their contemporary romance books create a fresh outlook on what love and romance can be.

They are particularly interested in books that are series. 

They are currently accepting only YA and New Adult / Contemporary Romance manuscripts at this time.   All submissions are accepted through their portal at Submittable only. 


Updated 5/10/2023

St. Martin's Press
imprint of Macmillan

120 Broadway
New York, NY 10271

Eileen Rothschild, Executive Editor

Vicki Lame, Executive Editor

Sarah Grill, Editor

Mara Delgado Sanchez, Assistant Editor

Alexandra Sehulster, Editor

TIffany Shelton, Editor

Cassidy Graham, Assistant Editor

Christina Lopez, Assistant Editor

They do not accept any unsolicited material.  Please submit via a literary agent.


Updated 5/10/2023

Sweet Heart Books

Anne-Marie Meyer, Founder

Danielle Diamond, Editor-in-Chief

An indie sweet romance publisher specializing in adult and young adult romance novels. Submissions are accepted and welcome as long as they do not contain sex, swear words or violence.

Submit the first 3 chapters of your story in the email body. If they like what they see, they will request for more!  Include a one page synopsis with word count total.  Include a few paragraphs so they can get to know you!

Send all inquiries to:


Updated 5/10/2023

Tule Publishing

555 N. El Camino Real, A374
San Clemente, CA 92672

Email Address:
Phone: (949) 441-1248

Tule is a digital first publisher, who would like to work with authors who have a strong online presence and who are committed to promoting and marketing their work, and their love stories with series potential. They accept both agented and unagented submissions that have not been previously published.


They are currently CLOSED for unagented manuscript submissions until September 5, 2023. They are still accepting agented submissions during this time. When they reopen for submissions, they will be looking for:

Their mystery editorial calendar is completely full for 2023. They are still accepting for 2024.

Their editorial calendar is completely full for 2023. American Hearts, Holiday, Montana Born, and Texas Born are still accepting for 2024.

Short Novel: 45k – 60k words
Long Novel: 60k – 90k words

Please note that they are currently only accepting a limited number of romantic suspense and women’s fiction titles.

Tule is currently accepting submissions for the 2024 calendar. Please note that they are currently accepting mystery submissions in addition to romance and women’s fiction manuscripts. They recognize that love is both universal and personal and they are always interested in original story telling and diverse experiences. They are currently seeking stories with unique and diverse voices for all imprints.

Specific Submission Calls:

Stories with diversity
Cozy mysteries
Crime fiction
Psychological thrillers
Detective stories (especially with female sleuths)
Fresh takes on classic romance tropes
Strong, savvy heroines
Romantic comedies
Stories with series potential

Send your submissions to:


Updated 5/10/2023

Tirgearr Publishing

Tirgearr House
Tower Cross
Mornington, County Meath
Republic of Ireland
A92 V1W3



Tirgearr Publishing is a small independently-owned publishing company of adult genre fiction, specializing in romance and erotica:  Thriller, Romance, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Fantasy, etc, and all cross genres.  No Young Adult.

Closed to submissions at this time.


Updated 5/10/2023

a division of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, which is part of Macmillan MacMillan Publishing

Tom Doherty Associates, LLC
120 Broadway, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10271

Tor will accept paranormal romance,

Neither Tor nor Forge books accept unagented submissions.


Updated 5/10/2023

Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

351 Executive Drive

​Carol Stream, IL 60188

Tyndale House Publishers is a nondenominational religious publisher that publishes 300 general interest books for the evangelical Christian market each year. Their books cover a wide range of categories: home and family, Christian growth, devotional, motivational, children, youth, inspirational, theology, doctrine, fiction, general reference, and some miscellaneous selections like humor and puzzle books. They do not hold a particular denominational or doctrinal view but publish books that express biblically supportable approaches to life in the tradition of orthodox Christianity.

Tyndale reviews only manuscripts submitted by professional literary agents, Tyndale authors, authors known to them from other publishers, or other people in the publishing industry.

Consider the site below for resources and services regarding manuscript review and submission.

Christian Manuscript Submissions -

Updated 5/10/2023

Vinspire Publishing

P.O. Box 1165
Ladson, SC 29456-1165

Dawn Carrington, Editor-in-Chief
Kassy Paris, Editor
Delia Latham, Editor
Kimberly Steinke, Editor
Kasi Alexander, Editor
Becca Shreves, Editor

Vinspire offers family-friendly books that include historical romance, inspirational romance, young adult, and middle grade.

For a limited time, Vinspire is open to submissions from authors without agents:

They are seeking unagented submissions for romances with mature heroes and heroines. They are looking for characters over the age of 45, preferably older, as they want to celebrate second chances at love (or even firsts in later years!). These are first and foremost romances. Secondary genres such as suspense and inspirational will be considered. All submissions must adhere to family friendly policy.

To submit, make sure your word count is between 35,000 and 95,000 and submit a detailed query to Your query should include your publishing credits, information on your platform, and two-three paragraphs about the book as well as word count and genre. You are welcome to submit the first three chapters of your manuscript as well.

They are also looking for submissions of Young Adult, Historical Romance and African-American Contemporary Romance.

With the exception of their current authors and open submission calls, Vinspire Publishing is open to agented submissions only.   They will announce the open submission call on the front page of their website as well as through social media.


Updated 5/10/2023

White Rose

an imprint of Pelican Books Group

PO Box 1738

Aztec, New Mexico, 87410

Nicola Martinez, Editor-in-Chief

White Rose is strictly CHRISTIAN ROMANCE. Although they take all romance sub-genres, every story must have romance as a strong element and in ALL lengths. This includes short stories. As in every romance, the focus of a White Rose story should be the conflict between the main characters. These stories encompass protagonists who may, or may not, be spiritual at the onset, but come to realize that faith is a cornerstone of love.

The guidelines contain information for the sub-genres. Do not query them on a title that is already published.   When ready to submit, go to


Updated 5/10/2023

Wild Heart Books

Misty M. Beller, Managing Editor

Sarah Erredge, Editorial Assistant

Denise Weimer, Editor

Robin Patchen, Editor

Wild Heart Books is a traditional, royalty-paying publisher of Christian Historical Romance. Their readers love exciting historical stories, complete with heroes to make them swoon, strong heroines, and inspirational messages to encourage their faith. They publish to a very small niche, and that's part of what makes them successful!

Their focus is on digital but they publish all their books in paperback.

Currently accepting submissions from new and published authors, including authors who wish to relaunch their back-list titles.

They're looking for Christian Historical Romance set between the 1700's and 1950's of 60,000 - 80,000 words.

To submit a proposal for consideration, either use the Contact page or send an email to with the word Submission in the subject line. If sending an email, attach your proposal to the email as a single Word document. If you use the Contact form, they’ll respond via email to request your proposal.


Updated 5/10/2023

The Wild Rose Press

P.O. Box 708
Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

Rhonda Penders, Senior Editor, Young Adult

RJ Morris, Managing Editor, Historical Division
Amanda Barnett, Senior Editor, Paranormal Division
Roseann Armstrong, Senior Editor, Contemporary Division
Leanne Morgena, Senior Editor, Sweet Contemporary Division
Frances Sevilla, Senior Editor, Suspense Division

The Wild Rose Press, Inc. is a royalty paying publisher. They accept queries from genres other than romance. Including but not limited to women’s fiction, mystery or thriller, historical fiction and erotica. Please read the details on how to submit properly for their lines and their requirements below before sending them a query.

Each department accepts both Romance, Erotic, and Mainstream Fiction.

Sweetheart Rose Department – these stories are sweet/clean in nature. If it’s a romance, the couple only has sex behind closed doors. No inappropriate or foul language allowed. For romance, think of a Hallmark movie. If it’s contemporary fiction, sweet/clean with no bad language rule still applies.

Champagne Rose Department – these stories are sensual to spicy. If it’s a romance, the love scenes are fully described and the heat level is not quite erotic but can be very hot. If it is contemporary fiction or women’s fiction this is likely the department for your query.

Crimson Rose Department – this is their murder/mystery/thriller category. It can be romantic suspense (sweet or hot), it can be a cozy mystery, action/adventure, or thriller.

Their Paranormal Department accepts queries for anything supernatural. Supernatural meaning not of this world. Think unicorns, faes, vampires, demons, angels, dragons, shapeshifters, psychics, and witches, but authors are not limited to these few. There are numerous creatures that would fit this division.

They also accept Science Fiction, Steampunk, and Futuristic queries. Please note, they would love to see more romance, either HEA (Happily Ever After) or HEAFN (Happily Ever After For Now) in the books submitted.

Historical Romance must have a Happy Ever After Ending. Love scenes can be sweet to erotic, but must not contain forced seduction, rape, or visual drug use. Historical accuracy is a must. They are NOT looking for any stories within the 1950 to 2000 year range.

Historical Fiction can consist of Women’s fiction, Mainstream fiction, and Young Adult fiction. Descriptions of actual historical events/people must be historically accurate, but real people cannot be the main characters or the main drive of the story.

They only accept manuscripts between 7,500 and 100,000 words, for print eligibility the manuscript must be a minimum of 45,000 words.

Query them electronically via email to with TWRP Query, the manuscript title, and the genre in the subject line.

Tell them your name, email, and be sure to include your contact information. Include the word count, a highly detailed synopsis, and the first 5 pages of your manuscript in the body of the email.

Also, please include your social media handles and any other promotional efforts regarding you as an author and your work.


Updated 5/10/2023

YLVA Publishing

Sandra Gerth, Senior Editor

Lee Winter, Digital Content Manager

Ylva Publishing is based in Germany and is the home of quality lesbian fiction and fiction about women-loving-women. Their primary market is the romance genre, but wherever possible they will consider a range of genres, subject to reader interest and market viability.  Not interested in speculative fiction.

They want their books to have a rich diversity and they’re committed to representing authors from a wide variety of backgrounds, both already published and due in the coming year. They actively encourage submissions by authors of color and writers with disabilities. Writers of any religion, nationality, and age are welcome at Ylva.

They would love to publish more own voice stories featuring black characters, characters of color, older characters, disabled characters, and characters of different shapes and body types.

They pay royalties after publication if they accept a manuscript. Authors are not expected to contribute to the expenses involved in publishing and marketing their work, and they will never ask for payment for this. However, they are looking for authors who will actively participate in every step of the publishing process and in the marketing of their book.

●  Romance, crime/suspense, action/thriller, mystery: 50,000 – 80,000
●  Contemporary, historical, and general: 50,000 – 80,000
●  Young Adult/new adult: 50,000 – 80,000
●  Erotica: 50,000 – 80,000

They do not publish poetry. They also do not accept manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to multiple publishers.

Download our Submission Guidelines here.  Please send your submissions to:  Calls for anthology submissions will be featured here.


Updated 5/10/2023

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