Magic takes over in a paranormal anthology


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Magic takes over in a paranormal anthology


View in browse=

February 2025

heck below to see who won this month’s Amazon gift card.

Magick Rising
Get six stories in one book!

Every sort of magick collides in these six paranormal tales=
of magick and romance . . .

Magick Justice f=
rom P.J. Bishop, a wonderful new voice in urban fantasy

A man on a mission to=
save his soul and a young reporter descended from a Samurai magicker mus=
t risk everything in a fight against a Rising of Demons.

Spirits Rising f=
rom RITA winner Evelyn Vaughn

A little haunted hist=
ory is what Penny expects when staging a Victorian mansion in Galveston. =
What this amateur ghostbuster doesn’t expect is a mysterious stranger and=
a dark curse.

Blood Rising fro=
m RITA finalist and Reader’s Choice award winning author Karen Fox

When revenge for her =
sister’s killer drives a vampire slayer’s every thought, can she put asid=
e her vengeance long enough to trust the one man who can help her?

A Shift in Magick from Golden Heart winner Laura Hayden

Private investigator =
Jonathan Craft’s tricks-of-the-trade include the carefully guarded secret=
of his shapeshifting. A routine case turns dangerous and forces him to r=
ethink everything he knows about his life.

Destiny Rising f=
rom popular romance writer Jodi Dawson writing as Jodi Anderson

Celeste and Erik have=
serious history. Centuries ago she doubly damned herself by killing the =
man she loved to save the world from an evil wizard. Her one chance to br=
ing him back to her has gone horribly wrong.

Wolf Rising from=
bestselling YA author Parker Blue

Duncan Gray desperate=
ly needs a cure for the lycanthropy that is killing him. His last hope is=
a Wiccan woman with secrets and fears of her own.

Purchase Here

Hope you’re surviving the winter snows and/or rains.  My husban=
d stayed home in Colorado so he’s getting lots of snow this year.&nb=
sp; But here in Arizona, temperatures have ranged from 50s to 80s–curren=
tly 80s.  Great weather for lounging in the pool when I do=
my gym’n’swim.

The cover is almost done for Unwanted Wishes, but I can show you a sn=
eak preview.  I don’t like the magic stream, but that’s changing.&nb=
sp; If you have any comments, I’d love to hear them at karen=

Monthly Winner

ch month I’ll draw a winner of a $25.00 Amazon gift card from my list of =
newsletter subscribers.

This month’s winner is Shannon at

If you’ll email me at to ver=
ify your email address, I’ll get that prize right out to you. Thanks for=
reading my newsletter!!

Karen Fox

Florissant, CO 80816 

United States

You’re getting this email because you sign=
ed on to my mailing list or entered one of my contests.  Want t=
o stay in?  You’re good to go.  Want to get out?  Just fol=
low the process to unsubscribe.  I’ll be sorry to lose you, but I ge=
t it.


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